
voucher #type

voucher_action #remarks

voucher_campaign_issue #campaign_id

voucher_campaign_issue_request #campaign_id

voucher_request_approve #request_remarks

voucher_receipt_numbers #campaign_id,receipt_no


FROM voucher
WHERE CONCAT(prefix, voucher_text) IN ('JP500004176','JP500004177')

FROM voucher_action
WHERE voucher_id IN (42176,42177)
AND action_id = 30

FROM voucher_campaign_issue
WHERE voucher_id IN(42176,42177)
FROM voucher_campaign_issue_request
WHERE request_id IN (11591)

SELECT * FROM voucher_request_approve WHERE request_id IN (11591) SELECT * FROM voucher_receipt_numbers where voucher_ids like 'B176,42177%'


select e.prefix, e.suffix, length(f.voucher_text) AS len, e.start_no, e.end_no, f.voucher_value
  , e.total_vouchers, e.total_value, d.type_desc, h.user_name, a.request_time, a.`request_remarks`, d.type_name
  from jurongpoint.voucher_request_approve a, jurongpoint.voucher_campaign_issue_request b, jurongpoint.voucher_campaign c
  ,jurongpoint.voucher_lkup_type d, jurongpoint.voucher_batch_no_section e, jurongpoint.voucher f, evo_central_config.customer_user h
  where `request_time` between '2014-08-01 00:00:00' and '2014-12-05 23:59:59'
  and a.`from_stock` = '35' and a.`to_stock` = '50'
  and a.request_id = b.request_id
  and b.campaign_id = c.campaign_id
  and c.type_id = d.type_id
  and e.batch_id = a.batch_id
  and e.prefix = f.prefix and e.suffix = f.suffix and e.start_no = f.voucher_no
  and a.request_user = h.user_id
  and d.type_name = 'partner'
  order by a.request_time desc