//a页面 uni.setStorageSync('test_key', 123); // b页面 // 在onshow 或者onload 中取值 uni.getStorageSync('test_key');
作者: leokim
uniapp h5 & 小程序使用腾讯地图组件
项目需求使用uniapp 在小程序和h5端使用地图并支持选点
使用web-view 组件传入腾讯地图的src后也不行
没有办法只能去做适配 零散代码如下:
/* 小程序特有相关 */ "mp-weixin": { "appid": "U appid xxxxxxxxx", "setting": { "urlCheck": false, "es6": true }, "usingComponents": true, "permission": { "scope.userLocation": { "desc": "你的位置信息将用于小程序定位" } }, "plugins": { "chooseLocation": { "version": "1.0.5", "provider": "wx76a9a06e5b4e693e" } } },
H5端选点后,获取到选点坐标内容 做相关处理
//url https://apis.map.qq.com/tools/locpicker?search=1&type=1&key=U3MBZ-VGILU-WIPVM-2UEDJ-HOZT6-XAF6G&referer=myapp <uni-popup ref="popup" type="bottom" class="buttom_popup"> <iframe :src=this.url id="mapPage" width="100%" height="500rpx" frameborder=0></iframe> </uni-popup> onLoad: function(e) { //#ifdef H5 window.addEventListener('message', function(event) { var loc = event.data; if (loc && loc.module == 'locationPicker') { that.changeLoc(loc); } }, false); //#endif },
onShow: function(){ //#ifdef MP-WEIXIN const chooseLocation = requirePlugin('chooseLocation') const location = chooseLocation.getLocation() // 如果点击确认选点按钮,则返回选点结果对象,否则返回null console.log("您所选择的位置:", location) if(location){ //拿到选点后做相关逻辑处理 } //#endif },
//part view <input @click="open" disabled="true" name="coordinates" class="uni-input" placeholder="地图坐标" v-model="formData.coordinates"/> //part function open(){ //#ifdef H5 //如果是h5 通过popup层打开iframe窗口调用地图组件 this.$refs.popup.open() //#endif //#ifdef MP-WEIXIN //如果是小程序 调用function 跳转地图页面选点 选点后会回到本,在onShow里接收选点信息,再做相关逻辑处理 this.getAddress(); //#endif }, getAddress() { const key = 'U3MBZ-VGILU-WIPVM-2UEDJ-HOZT6-XAF6G' //使用在腾讯位置服务申请的key const referer = 'Leo' //调用插件的app的名称 //初始化选点坐标 const location = JSON.stringify({ latitude: xxxxxx, longitude: xxxxxxx }) wx.navigateTo({ url: 'plugin://chooseLocation/index?key=' + key + '&referer=' + referer + '&location=' + location }); },
VUE 使用数组对象处理多重类型代码复用
然后就可以用变量名拼接 像这样通过参数处理多重类型
checkbox 设置选中
checkDate(id){ //判断该元素是否存在,不存在择移除 if(this.form.peitao.indexOf(id)>0){ this.form.peitao.splice(this.form.peitao.indexOf(id), 1); return; } this.form.peitao.push(id); return; },
uniapp 动态配置表单
<template> <view> <view :class="{'bottomShadow':isCard}" v-for="(item, index) in formTemplate" :key="index"> <view @click="showItemClick(item)"><text :class="showItemIds.indexOf(item.id)>-1 ? 'titleBeforeOpen':'titleBeforeClose'" :style="'backgroundColor:'+themeColor"></text>{{item.formTitle}}</view> <view :class="{'hidden':showItemIds.indexOf(item.id)==-1}"> <view v-for="(detailItem, detailIndex) in item.object" :key="detailIndex"> <view class="cu-form-group " v-if="detailItem.controlType == 'avatar'"> <view>头像</view> <view class="cu-avatar radius bg-gray"></view> </view> <!-- text --> <view v-if="detailItem.controlType == 'input'"> <view><text v-if="detailItem.isMustfill">*</text><text>{{detailItem.title}}</text></view> <view> <input class="item-input border_box" v-bind="detailItem.props" :disabled="disabled" v-model="itemValue[detailItem.textName]" /> <text @tap="setCode(detailItem.getfield,detailItem.textName)" v-if="detailItem.vercode">{{getVerCodeSecond}}</text> <text v-else-if="detailItem.unit">{{detailItem.unit}}</text> </view> </view> <!-- Rate --> <view v-if="detailItem.controlType == 'rate'"> <view><text v-if="detailItem.isMustfill">*</text><text>{{detailItem.title}}</text></view> <view class="item-content rate-body"> <uni-rate class="" @change="onRateChange($event,detailItem.textName)" :disabled="disabled" v-bind="detailItem.props" v-model="itemValue[detailItem.textName]" /> </view> </view> <!-- textarea --> <view v-if="detailItem.controlType == 'textarea'"> <view><text v-if="detailItem.isMustfill">*</text><text>{{detailItem.title}}</text></view> <view> <textarea class="item-textarea border_box" :disabled="disabled" v-model="itemValue[detailItem.textName]" v-bind="detailItem.props" /> </view> </view> <!-- html --> <view v-if="detailItem.controlType == 'html'"> <view><text v-if="detailItem.isMustfill">*</text><text>{{detailItem.title}}</text></view> <view> <rich-text :nodes="itemValue[detailItem.textName]"></rich-text> </view> </view> <!-- <view v-if="detailItem.controlType == 'html'"> <view :style="'color:'+detailItem.fontColor+';font-size:'+detailItem.fontSize"> {{detailItem.content}} </view> </view> --> <!-- radio --> <view v-if="detailItem.controlType == 'radio'"> <view><text v-if="detailItem.isMustfill">*</text><text>{{detailItem.title}}</text></view> <view> <radio-group class="checkRadiogroup"> <label v-for="(value, index) in detailItem.values" :key="index" @click="itemValue[detailItem.textName] = value[pickerProps.value]"> <radio :disabled="disabled" :value="value[pickerProps.value]" :checked="itemValue[detailItem.textName] == value[pickerProps.value]"/> <text>{{value[pickerProps.label]}}</text> </label> </radio-group> </view> </view> <!-- checkbox --> <view v-if="detailItem.controlType == 'checkbox'"> <view><text v-if="detailItem.isMustfill">*</text><text>{{detailItem.title}}</text></view> <view> <checkbox-group @change="checkboxChange($event, detailItem.textName)"> <label v-for="(value, index) in detailItem.values" :key="index"> <checkbox :disabled="disabled" :value="value[pickerProps.value]" :checked="itemValue[detailItem.textName].indexOf(value[pickerProps.value]) > -1"/> <text>{{value[pickerProps.label]}}</text> </label> </checkbox-group> </view> </view> <!-- image --> <view v-if="detailItem.controlType == 'image'"> <view> <text v-if="detailItem.isMustfill">*</text><text>{{detailItem.title}}</text> </view> <view > <view> <block v-for="(image,index) in itemValue[detailItem.textName]" :key="index"> <view style="position: relative;" :url="image" :name="detailItem.textName" @click.stop="ViewImage(index,detailItem.textName)"> <image mode="aspectFill" :src="image"></image> <view @click.stop="DelImg(index,detailItem.textName)">x</view> </view> </block> <view v-show=" itemValue[detailItem.textName].length < detailItem.count"> <view @tap="ChooseImage(detailItem.count,detailItem.textName)"></view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <!-- date --> <view v-if="detailItem.controlType == 'date'"> <view><text v-if="detailItem.isMustfill">*</text><text>{{detailItem.title}}</text></view> <view> <view v-if="!disabled"> <picker mode="date" @change="datePickerChange($event, detailItem.textName)"> <text class="item-select border_box">{{itemValue[detailItem.textName]}}</text> <uni-icons :type="itemValue[detailItem.textName]==''? 'arrowdown': 'closeempty'" @click="onClickClose(detailItem.textName)"></uni-icons> </picker> </view> <view v-else> <text class="item-select border_box">{{itemValue[detailItem.textName]}}</text> </view> </view> </view> <!-- select --> <view @tap="handleTap(detailItem)" v-if="detailItem.controlType == 'selector'||detailItem.controlType == 'multiSelector'||detailItem.controlType == 'unlinkedSelector'"> <view><text v-if="detailItem.isMustfill">*</text><text>{{detailItem.title}}</text></view> <view> <view v-if="!disabled"> <text class="item-select border_box">{{handleChangeValue[detailItem.textName]|selectPickerItemShow}}</text> <uni-icons :type="itemValue[detailItem.textName]==''? 'arrowdown': 'closeempty'" @click="onClickClose(detailItem.textName)"></uni-icons> </view> <view v-else> <text class="item-select border_box">{{handleChangeValue[detailItem.textName]|selectPickerItemShow}}</text> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> </view> <lb-picker ref="picker" :name="picker.name" :mode="picker.mode" v-model="picker.value" :list="picker.list" :props="pickerProps" @change="handleChange" @confirm="handleConfirm" @cancel="handleCancel"> </lb-picker> </view> </template> <script> let countDown; const defaultProps = { label: 'label', value: 'value', children: 'children' } var that; import lbPicker from '@/components/lb-picker/index.vue' import uniGrid from '@/components/uni-ui/uni-grid/uni-grid.vue' import uniGridItem from '@/components/uni-ui/uni-grid-item/uni-grid-item.vue' import uniIcons from '@/components/uni-ui/uni-icons/uni-icons.vue' import uniRate from '@/components/uni-ui/uni-rate/uni-rate.vue' // import imgUpload from '@/components/poiuy-uImgUpload/ImgUpload.vue'; export default { components: { lbPicker, uniGrid, uniGridItem, uniIcons, uniRate }, computed:{ _setTime() { //处理值 const setTime = Number(this.setTime) return setTime>0 ? setTime : 60 }, getVerCodeSecond(){ //验证码倒计时计算 if(this.second<=0){ return '获取验证码'; }else{ if(this.second<10){ return '0'+this.second+'s'; }else{ return this.second+'s'; } } } }, props:{ setTime:{ //倒计时时间设置 type: [Number,String], default: 60, }, themeColor:{ type: String, default(){ return "#6BA1FF" } }, isCard:{ type: Boolean, default(){ return false } }, formTemplate:{ type: Array, default(){ return [] } }, formValue:{ type: Object, default(){ return {} } }, disabled:{ type:Boolean, default:false }, ////////////................ props: { type: Object }, }, data() { return { second: 0, //倒计时 picker:{ name:'', value:[], list:[] }, initTypeValue:['image','multiSelector', 'unlinkedSelector'], pickerProps: Object.assign({}, defaultProps, this.props), handleChangeValue:{}, showItemIds: [], itemValue: {} } }, watch:{ formTemplate:function(){ this.init(); } }, created() { this.init(); }, beforeCreate: function () { that = this; }, filters:{ selectPickerItemShow:function(value,lists){ let arr = [] //itemValue[detailItem.textName]|selectPickerItemShow(detailItem.values ) /* if(typeof(value) === 'string'){ value = [value] } value.forEach(val=>{ // console.log(val,lists) for(let i = 0; i<lists.length;i++){ console.log(val,lists[i][that.pickerProps.value]) if(val == lists[i][that.pickerProps.value]){ arr.push(lists[i][that.pickerProps.label]) break } } }) */ ///handleChangeValue[detailItem.textName]|selectPickerItemShow // console.log(value) if(value){ if( Array.isArray(value)){ value.forEach(item=>{ arr.push(item[that.pickerProps.label]) }); }else{ arr.push(value[that.pickerProps.label]) } } return arr.join('-') } }, methods: { /** * 处理ios键盘收回 界面不返回问题 * @param {Object} e */ onInputBlur(e) { if (isIOS) { var currentPosition, timer; var speed = 1; timer = setInterval(function() { currentPosition = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop; currentPosition -= speed; window.scrollTo(0, currentPosition); //页面向上滚动 currentPosition += speed; window.scrollTo(0, currentPosition); //页面向下滚动 clearInterval(timer); }, 100); } }, /** * 初始化数据 */ init(){ this.formTemplate.forEach(el => { this.showItemIds.push(el.id); el.object.forEach(el => { if(el.textName){ console.log() this.$set(this.itemValue, el.textName,this.initTypeValue.indexOf(el.controlType) ==-1?"":[]); } }); }); // 如果传了初始值进行赋值 if(this.formValue != {}){ Object.assign(this.itemValue, this.formValue); } }, /** * 卡片显示影藏控制 * @param {Object} item */ showItemClick(item){ if(this.showItemIds.indexOf(item.id) > -1){ this.showItemIds.splice(this.showItemIds.indexOf(item.id), 1); }else{ this.showItemIds.push(item.id); } }, /** * 日期选择器修改 * @param {Object} e * @param {Object} textName */ datePickerChange(e, textName){ this.itemValue[textName] = e.detail.value; }, /** * checkbox修改 * @param {Object} e * @param {Object} textName */ checkboxChange(e, textName){ console.log(e.detail.value) this.itemValue[textName] = e.target.value; }, /** * 单级select显示 * @param {Object} objects * @param {Object} value */ selectPickerItemShow(objects, value){ let name = ''; objects.forEach(el => { if(el.valueCode == value){ name = el.valueName; } }); return name; }, onClickClose(textName){ if(this.itemValue[textName] != ''){ this.itemValue[textName] = '' } }, /** * 输入校验 */ inputValidation(){ let checkFlag = true; let message = "校验成功"; let value = {}; this.formTemplate.forEach(el => { if(! checkFlag){ return false; } el.object.forEach(el => { if(! checkFlag){ return false; } if(el.isMustfill && this.itemValue[el.textName] == ""){ //必填 message = "请输入"+el.title; checkFlag = false; return false; } if(el.checkRegular){ //正则 let reg = new RegExp(el.checkRegular); if(! reg.test(this.itemValue[el.textName])){ message = el.title+"输入不合法"; checkFlag = false; return false; } } }); }); if(checkFlag){ value = this.itemValue; } return {checkFlag: checkFlag, message: message, value: value}; }, /** * 暴露的提交方法 */ submit(){ return this.inputValidation(); }, ///////////////////picker//////////////////////////////////// handleTap (picker) { // this.picker.name = picker.textName // this.picker.mode = picker.controlType // this.picker.list = picker.values // console.log(this.picker) // this.picker.value = this.itemValue[picker.textName] this.$set(this.picker,'name', picker.textName) this.$set(this.picker,'mode', picker.controlType) this.$set(this.picker,'list', picker.values) this.$set(this.picker,'value', this.itemValue[picker.textName]) // console.log(this.picker) // :data-name="picker.name" // v-model="picker.value" // :mode="picker.mode" // :list="picker.list" this.$refs.picker.show() }, handleChange (item) { // console.log('change::', item) }, handleConfirm (item) { this.$set(this.itemValue,item.name,item.value) this.$set(this.handleChangeValue,item.name,item.item) // console.log('confirm::', ) }, handleCancel (item) { // console.log('cancel::', item) }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////// onRateChange(e,textName){ this.itemValue[textName]= e.value }, ChooseImage(count,textName) { uni.chooseImage({ count: count-this.itemValue[textName].length, //默认9 sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], //可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 sourceType: ['album'], //从相册选择 success: (res) => { res.tempFilePaths.forEach(tempfile=>{ let issome= this.itemValue[textName].some(value=>{ return tempfile == value }) if(!issome){ this.itemValue[textName].push(tempfile) } }) /* if (this.itemValue[textName].length != 0) { this.itemValue[textName] = this.itemValue[textName].concat(res.tempFilePaths) } else { this.itemValue[textName] = res.tempFilePaths } */ } }); }, ViewImage(index,name) { uni.previewImage({ urls: this.itemValue[name], current: this.itemValue[name][index] }); }, DelImg(index,textName) { this.itemValue[textName].splice(index, 1) /* console.log('jghhtyt') uni.showModal({ content: '是否删除改图片', cancelText: '再看看', confirmText: '再见', success: res => { if (res.confirm) { } } }) */ }, /////////////////////////////////////////// setCode(getfield,textName){ //设置获取验证码的事件 if(this.isRunCode){ //判断是否开始倒计时,避免重复点击 return false; } //准备触发 this.$once('runCode',(val)=>{ this.runCode(val); }); this.$emit('setCode',this.itemValue[getfield]); // this.runCode(); }, runCode(val){ //开始倒计时 if(String(val)=="0"){ //判断是否需要终止循环 this.second = 0; //初始倒计时 clearInterval(countDown);//清理循环 this.isRunCode= false; //关闭循环状态 return false; } if(this.isRunCode){ //判断是否开始倒计时,避免重复点击 return false; } this.isRunCode= true this.second = this._setTime //倒数秒数 let _this=this; countDown = setInterval(function(){ _this.second-- if(_this.second==0){ _this.isRunCode= false clearInterval(countDown) } },1000) } } } </script> <style> .gpp-cf{ background-color: #F1F1F1; } .gpp-cf-form{ padding-bottom: 10px; background-color: #FFFFFF; margin-bottom: 10px; } .gpp-cf-title{ position: relative; padding: 10px 10px 10px 30px; font-size: 16px; } .titleBeforeOpen{ // transition: all 0.3s ease; position: absolute; left: 15px; top: 13px; width: 4px; height: 16px; border-radius: 2px; } .titleBeforeClose{ // transition: all 0.3s ease; position: absolute; left: 8px; top: 19px; width: 16px; height: 4px; border-radius: 2px; } .gpp-cf-title:active{ background-color: #f8f8f8; } .gpp-cf-content{ margin: 10px; font-size: 14px; color: #383838; } .gpp-cf-content-item{ margin-bottom: 16px; } .item-name{ margin-bottom: 3px; /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ display: flex; /* #endif */ flex-direction: row; } .item-name-text{ font-size: 24rpx; } .item-content{ position: relative; } .item-ct-unit{ position: absolute; top: 8px; right: 10px; font-size: 14px; color: #383838; } .hidden{ /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ display: none; /* #endif */ } .gpp-cf-form:last-child{ margin-bottom: 0; } .red{ color: #f55347; } .bottomShadow{ box-shadow: 0 2px 4px #d0cfcf; } .item-input,.item-select{ height: 36px; line-height: 34px; font-size: 14px; padding: 0 40px 0 8px; } .checkRadiogroup{ /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ display: flex; /* #endif */ flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; } .border_box { border-width: 1px; border-color: #e8e5e6; border-style: solid; border-radius: 8px; } .item-textarea{ /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ min-height: 90px; /* #endif */ font-size: 14px; padding: 8px; } .input-placeholder, .textarea-placeholder{ color: #d5d5d5; } radio-group, checkbox-group{ margin-top: 8px; } .item-radio, .item-checkbox{ /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ display: flex; /* #endif */ flex-direction: row; margin-right: 10px; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* 头条小程序组件内不能引入字体 */ /* #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO */ @font-face { font-family: uniicons; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; src: url('~@/static/uni.ttf') format('truetype'); } /* #endif */ /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ .rate-body { flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; justify-content: center; padding: 0; font-size: 14rpx; background-color: #ffffff; } /* #endif */ .rate-body { flex-direction: column; padding: 30rpx; background-color: #ffffff; } ////////////////////////////////////////// .uni-uploader-body { padding-bottom: 20upx; } .uni-uploader__files { /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ display: flex; /* #endif */ flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; } .uni-uploader__file { margin: 8upx; width: 120px; height: 120px; } .uni-uploader__img { width: 120px; height: 120px; } .uni-uploader__input-box { position: relative; margin: 8upx; width: 118upx; height: 118upx; border-width: 2upx; border-color: #CCCCCC; border-style: dashed; } .uni-uploader__input-box:before, .uni-uploader__input-box:after { position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; /* #ifndef APP-NVUE */ -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); /* #endif */ transform: translate(-50%, -50%); background-color: #D9D9D9; } .uni-uploader__input-box:before { width: 2upx; height: 42upx; } .uni-uploader__input-box:after { width: 42upx; height: 2upx; } .uni-uploader__input-box:active { border-color: #999999; } .uni-uploader__input-box:active:before, .uni-uploader__input-box:active:after { background-color: #999999; } .uni-uploader__input { position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: 0; } .close-view { text-align: center; line-height: 28upx; height: 18px; width: 18px; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #FF5053; color: #FFFFFF; position: absolute; top: -12upx; right: -8upx; font-size: 24upx; } </style>
const code = [{ formTitle: "基本信息", id: "469823830580379648", object: [{ textName: "patientName", title: "姓名", controlType: "input", isMustfill: true, props:{ type:'text', maxlength: 12, } },{ textName: "username", title: "用户名", controlType: "input", isMustfill: true, props:{ type:'text', placeholder:'输入用户名', maxlength: 12, } },{ textName: "password", title: "密码", controlType: "input", isMustfill: true, props:{ type:'text', password:true, placeholder:'输入密码', maxlength: 12, } },{ textName: "rate", title: "评分", controlType: "rate", props:{ max:10, } }, { textName: "citizenId", title: "身份证", controlType: "input", isMustfill: true, checkRegular: "" },{ textName: "image", title: "图片", controlType: "image", count:1 }, { textName: "sex", title: "性别", controlType: "selector", isMustfill: true, values: [{ label: '男', value: 'A' }, { label: '女', value: 'B' } ] },{ textName: "linkage", title: "联动", controlType: "multiSelector", isMustfill: true, values: [{ label: '选项1', value: '1', children: [{ label: '选项11', value: '11', children: [{ label: '选项111', value: '111' }, { label: '选项112', value: '112' }, { label: '选项113', value: '113' } ] }, { label: '选项12', value: '12', children: [{ label: '选项121', value: '121' }, { label: '选项122', value: '122' }, { label: '选项123', value: '123' } ] }, { label: '选项13', value: '13', children: [{ label: '选项131', value: '131' }, { label: '选项132', value: '132' }, { label: '选项133', value: '133' } ] } ] }, { label: '选项2', value: '2', children: [{ label: '选项21', value: '21', children: [{ label: '选项211', value: '211' }, { label: '选项212', value: '212' }, { label: '选项213', value: '213' } ] }, { label: '选项22', value: '22', children: [{ label: '选项221', value: '221' }, { label: '选项222', value: '222' }, { label: '选项223', value: '223' } ] }, { label: '选项23', value: '23', children: [{ label: '选项231', value: '231' }, { label: '选项232', value: '232' }, { label: '选项233', value: '233' } ] } ] }, { label: '选项3', value: '3', children: [{ label: '选项31', value: '31', children: [{ label: '选项311', value: '311' }, { label: '选项312', value: '312' }, { label: '选项313', value: '313' } ] }, { label: '选项32', value: '32', children: [{ label: '选项321', value: '321' }, { label: '选项322', value: '322' }, { label: '选项323', value: '323' } ] }, { label: '选项33', value: '33', children: [{ label: '选项331', value: '331' }, { label: '选项332', value: '332' }, { label: '选项333', value: '333' } ] } ] } ] }, { textName: "notlinkage", title: "非联动", controlType: "unlinkedSelector", isMustfill: true, values: [ [{ label: '选项1', value: '1' }, { label: '选项2', value: '2' }, { label: '选项3', value: '3' } ], [{ label: '选项11', value: '11' }, { label: '选项22', value: '22' }, { label: '选项33', value: '33' } ], [{ label: '选项111', value: '111' }, { label: '选项222', value: '222' }, { label: '选项333', value: '333' } ] ] }, { textName: "phoneNumber", title: "手机号码", controlType: "input", isMustfill: true, checkRegular: "^1[3456789]\\d{9}$" },{ textName: "vercode", title: "验证码", controlType: "input", vercode:true, isMustfill: true, getfield:'phoneNumber',//字段名称必须在配置文件中的textName名称 checkRegular: "^\\d{6}$" }, { textName: "homeAddress", title: "详细居住地址", controlType: "textarea", placeholder: "请详细到居住门牌号码" }] }, { formTitle: "疫情调查问卷", id: "469823830580869523", object: [{ textName: "temperature", title: "当前体温", controlType: "input", isMustfill: true, unit: "℃" }, { textName: "isGotoWH", title: "近两月是否有武汉旅行史", controlType: "radio", isMustfill: true, values: [{ label: "是", value: "1" }, { label: "否", value: "0" }] }, { textName: "gotoWHDate", title: "如有请填写旅行日期", controlType: "date" }, { textName: "contactPatient", title: "近两月是否接触发热患者", controlType: "radio", isMustfill: true, values: [{ label: "是", value: "1" }, { label: "否", value: "0" }, { label: "否", value: "0" }, { label: "否", value: "0" }, { label: "否", value: "0" }, { label: "否", value: "0" }, { label: "否", value: "0" }, { label: "否", value: "0" }, { label: "否", value: "0" }] }, { textName: "symptom", title: "当前是否有以下症状,如有请选择", controlType: "checkbox", values: [{ label: "发热", value: "1" }, { label: "咳嗽", value: "2" }, { label: "胸闷", value: "3" }, { label: "四肢无力", value: "4" }] }] }, { formTitle: "调查说明", id: "469823830580371092", object: [{ controlType: "html", fontSize: "16px", fontColor: "#f55347", content: "以上问卷信息仅供防疫工作使用,为了您和他人的身体健康,请认真如实填写,我们会最大限度保护填写人个人信息不被泄露,谢谢您的合作!" }] }]; export default code;
<script> import LhConfigurationForm from '@/components/lh-configurationForm/lh-configurationForm.vue'; import template from "@/config/addFile.js"; export default { components: { LhConfigurationForm }, data() { return { formTemplate: template, formValue: { patientName: "张三", isGotoWH: "1", gender: "1", symptom: "1,4" } } }, methods: { submit() { let result = this.$refs.form.submit(); console.log(result) } }
{ "path" : "pages/housing_resource/index", "style" : { "navigationBarTitleText": "房源", "app-plus":{ "titleNView":false } } }
如果全局都不要展示就在globalStyle里添加app-plus titleNView:false就可以了
// #ifdef H5 { "path" : "pages/housing_resource/index", "style" : { "navigationBarTitleText": "房源", "app-plus":{ "titleNView":false } } }, // #ifndef { "path" : "pages/housing_resource/index", "style" : { "navigationBarTitleText": "房源", "app-plus":{ "titleNView":false } } }, // #endif
composer config -g repo.packagist composer https://mirrors.aliyun.com/composer/ composer create-project topthink/think leokim_base
composer require topthink/think-multi-app
composer require casbin/think-authz
composer require topthink/think-template
composer require topthink/think-captcha
composer require iszsw/porter
composer require big-dream/think-paginator-driver
composer require xiaodi/think-whoops
composer require topthink/think-log
composer require bingher/ali-sms
composer require zzstudio/think-addons
php think build admin
uniapp 使用腾讯地图 选点
<view class="page-section page-section-gap" v-show="show_map">
<view>lat: {{this.lat}}</view>
<view>lng: {{this.lng}}</view>
<button @click="open">打开弹窗</button>
<uni-popup ref="popup" type="bottom" class="buttom_popup">
<iframe :src=this.url id="mapPage" width="100%" height="500rpx" frameborder=0>
import uniPopup from '../../components/uni-popup/uni-popup.vue'
import uniPopupMessage from '../../components/uni-popup/uni-popup-message.vue'
import uniPopupDialog from '../../components/uni-popup/uni-popup-dialog.vue'
export default {
components: {
onLoad() {
var that = this
window.addEventListener('message', function(event) {
var loc = event.data;
if (loc && loc.module == 'locationPicker') {
}, false);
data() {
return {
url: "https://apis.map.qq.com/tools/locpicker?search=1&type=1&key=you_key&referer=myapp&coord=32.64671,117.01504"
methods: {
this.lat = loc.latlng.lat
this.lng = loc.latlng.lng
background: #007AFF;
<script type="text/javascript"> //创建一个构造函数 function Person(name, sex){ this.name = name; this.sex = sex; } //创建构造函数的原型对象 Person.prototype={ constructor:Person, eat:function(){ console.log(this.name + "吃了一个大鸡腿!"); } } //调用构造函数必须要使用new var per = new Person("LeoKim", "男"); per.eat(); </script>
<script type="text/javascript"> function Person(name, sex){ return new per(name, sex); } function per(name, sex){ this.name = name; this.sex = sex; } Person.prototype={ constructor:Person, eat:function(){ console.log(this.name + "吃了一只老公鸡!") } } //js引擎会在per中查找eat方法,如果没找到就会到per的原型链上去找,所以这里需要把per的原型链复制为Person的原型链 per.prototype = Person.prototype; var p = Person("LeoKim", "男"); p.eat(); </script>
jQuery 的方式是通过原型传递解决问题,把 jQuery 的原型传递给jQuery.prototype.init.prototype
所以通过这个方法生成的实例 this 所指向的仍然是 jQuery.fn,所以能正确访问 jQuery 类原型上的属性与方法
var aQuery = function(selector){ //强制为对象 if(!(this instanceof aQuery)){ return new aQuery(selector) } var elem = document.getElementById(/[^#].*/.exec(selector)[0]); this.length = 1; this[0] = elem; this.context = document; this.selector = selector; this.get = function(num){ return this[num]; } return this }
既可通过aQuery("#book")[0] / aQuery("#book").get(0) 获取到元素