#first CRM API submit and VMS resubmit or reimbruse select concat(a.prefix, a.voucher_text, a.suffix), b.* from voucher a, ( select a.submit_time, b.action_id, a.voucher_id from ( select min(a.action_time) as submit_time, a.voucher_id from voucher_action a, voucher b where a.action_id = 60 and a.user_id = 3324 and a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id group by a.voucher_id ) a left join voucher_action b on (a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id and b.action_id in (70) and b.user_id != 3324) where b.id is not null ) b where a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id