public function csm_voucher_issue_actions( $date ) { $table_name = $this->sap_interface_create_table( $date ); $this->csm_voucher_normal_actions_issuance( $date, $table_name ); //If the issuance transaction is due to voucher replacement, this field (Replaced voucher) will be marked with 'X'. $this->csm_voucher_update_is_replaced($date, $table_name); $this->csm_voucher_normal_actions_unissue( $date, $table_name ); $this->tenant_voucher_normal_actions_issuance( $date, $table_name ); $this->tenant_voucher_normal_actions_unissue( $date, $table_name ); $rt = $this->sap_interface_get_results($table_name); $transaction_date = date('Ymd', strtotime($date . ' 00:00:00')); $file_name = 'CSM_ISS_' . $transaction_date; return $this->_ftp_to_sap($file_name, $rt); } private function _ftp_to_sap( $file_name, $data ) { $file_name = $file_name . '.csv'; $local_file = $this->_sap_interface_local_file_name($file_name); $remote_file = $this->_sap_interface_remote_file_name($file_name); //made a copy of the file if existed. so we will be able to trace files. if( file_exists($local_file) ) { rename($local_file, $local_file . '.time.' . date ("Ymd_His", filemtime($local_file)) ); } $this->_export_sap_interface_file($local_file, $data); return $this->_ftp_upload($local_file, $remote_file); } private function _ftp_upload($local_file, $remote_file) { //ilog('SAP Interface, uploading local file: ' . $local_file . ' to remote file: ' . $remote_file); $this->load->helper('email'); if(!file_exists($local_file)) { $error_msg = 'SAP Interface ERROR: cannot find local file: ' . $local_file; evo_email_admin( $error_msg ); elog($error_msg); } if($this->_ftp_really_upload) { $ftp_result = $this->ftp->upload($local_file, $remote_file); } else { $ftp_result = TRUE; } if( !$ftp_result ) { $error_msg = 'SAP Interface ERROR: cannot upload local file: ' . $local_file . ' to remote file: ' . $remote_file; evo_email_admin( $error_msg ); elog($error_msg); } return $ftp_result; }