select a.voucher_value, a.voucher_number as exp_voucher, date(a.issue_time) as exp_issue_date, a.expiry_date as exp_expiry_date , a.expiry_grace_date as exp_expiry_grace_date , b.voucher_number as new_voucher, date(a.replace_time) as replace_date , b.expiry_date as new_expiry_date , b.expiry_grace_date as new_expiry_grace_date from ( select a.expired_voucher_id, b.voucher_value, concat(prefix, voucher_text, suffix) as voucher_number, max(c.action_time) as issue_time, b.expiry_date , DATE_ADD(b.expiry_date, INTERVAL $this->_grace_period_days DAY) AS expiry_grace_date , a.replace_time from $this->_voucher_replace_details a, $this->_voucher b, $this->_voucher_action c where a.expired_voucher_id = b.voucher_id and b.voucher_id = c.voucher_id and c.action_id in ('$issue_action_id', '$issue_action_id2', '$issue_action_id3') $value_clause AND (a.replace_time BETWEEN '$quarter_start_date 00:00:00' AND '$quarter_end_date 23:59:59' ) group by b.voucher_id ) a, ( select a.expired_voucher_id, b.voucher_value, concat(prefix, voucher_text, suffix) as voucher_number, max(c.action_time) as issue_time, b.expiry_date , DATE_ADD(b.expiry_date, INTERVAL $this->_grace_period_days DAY) AS expiry_grace_date from $this->_voucher_replace_details a, $this->_voucher b, $this->_voucher_action c where a.new_voucher_id = b.voucher_id and b.voucher_id = c.voucher_id and c.action_id in ('$issue_action_id', '$issue_action_id2', '$issue_action_id3') AND (a.replace_time BETWEEN '$quarter_start_date 00:00:00' AND '$quarter_end_date 23:59:59' ) group by b.voucher_id ) b where a.expired_voucher_id = b.expired_voucher_id ORDER BY 2 ASC