merctus all voucher report


              `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

              `voucher_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `voucher_no` varchar(80) DEFAULT NULL,

              `voucher_value` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `type_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `type_desc` varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL,

              `status_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `status_desc` varchar(29) DEFAULT NULL,

              `expiry_date` date DEFAULT NULL,

              `submission_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `submission_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,

              `submission_user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `submission_by` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,

              `reimburse_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `reimburse_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,

              `reimburse_user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `reimburse_by` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,

              `is_retained` enum('Y','N') DEFAULT 'N',

              `retained_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,

              `retained_user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `retained_by` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `retained_remarks` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,

              `released_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,

              `release_user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `released_by` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,

              `campaign_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `campaign_code` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,

              `issue_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,

              `issue_by` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,

              `issue_user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `storeId` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `organization` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,

              `storeName` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,

              `unit` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,

              `void_user_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

              `void_time` datetime DEFAULT NULL,

              `void_by` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL,

              PRIMARY KEY (`id`),

              KEY `voucher_id` (`voucher_id`),

              KEY `type_id` (`type_id`),

              KEY `status_id` (`status_id`),

              KEY `submission_id` (`submission_id`),

              KEY `is_retained` (`is_retained`),

              KEY `campaign_id` (`campaign_id`),

              KEY `issue_user_id` (`issue_user_id`)




#insert all voucher in to temp table

INSERT INTO `_temp_all_voucher` (`id`, `voucher_id`, `voucher_no`, `voucher_value`, `type_id`, `type_desc`, `status_id`, `status_desc`, `expiry_date`, `submission_id`, `submission_time`, `reimburse_time`,`is_retained`, `campaign_id`, `campaign_code`) 

select NULL, voucher_id, concat(prefix, voucher_text, suffix) as voucher_no, voucher_value, type_id, NULL, status_id, NULL, expiry_date, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL

from voucher;

CREATE temporary TABLE `_temp_err_voucher` (

  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,

  `voucher_id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,

  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),

  KEY `voucher_id` (`voucher_id`)


#insert err record

INSERT INTO `_temp_err_voucher` (`voucher_id`) 

select a.voucher_id from voucher_reimbursement_details a, voucher_reimbursement_details b

where a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id

and a.is_retained = 'N' and b.is_retained = 'Y'

and a.is_deleted = 'N' and b.is_deleted = 'N';

#update type desc

update _temp_all_voucher a, voucher_lkup_type b

set a.type_desc = b.type_desc

where a.type_id = b.type_id; 

#update status desc

update _temp_all_voucher a, voucher_lkup_status b

set a.status_desc = b.status_desc

where a.status_id = b.status_id;

#except double submit get submission id & submit time

update _temp_all_voucher a, 


  select voucher_id, max(submission_id) as submission_id 

  from voucher_reimbursement_details 

  where is_deleted = 'N' and is_retained = 'N' 

  and voucher_id not in (select voucher_id from _temp_err_voucher) GROUP BY 1

) b, voucher_reimbursement c 

set a.submission_id = b.submission_id, a.submission_time = c.submit_time, a.reimburse_time = c.reimburse_time, a.reimburse_user_id = c.reimburse_user, a.submission_user_id = c.submit_user, a.reimburse_id = c.reimburse_id

where a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id and b.submission_id = c.submission_id;

#double submit get submission id & submit time

update _temp_all_voucher a, 


  select voucher_id,  submission_id  from voucher_reimbursement_details 

  where is_deleted='N' and is_retained = 'N' 

  and voucher_id in (select voucher_id from _temp_err_voucher)

) b, voucher_reimbursement c 

set a.submission_id = b.submission_id, a.submission_time = c.submit_time, a.reimburse_time = c.reimburse_time, a.reimburse_user_id = c.reimburse_user, a.submission_user_id = c.submit_user, a.reimburse_id = c.reimburse_id

where a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id and b.submission_id = c.submission_id; 

#pure retaind get submission id & submit time

update _temp_all_voucher a, 


  select voucher_id, submission_id from voucher_reimbursement_details where is_retained = 'Y' and is_deleted='N' 

  and voucher_id not in (select voucher_id from _temp_err_voucher)

) b, voucher_reimbursement c 

set a.submission_id = b.submission_id, a.submission_time = c.submit_time, a.reimburse_time = c.reimburse_time, a.reimburse_user_id = c.reimburse_user, a.submission_user_id = c.submit_user, a.reimburse_id = c.reimburse_id

where a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id and b.submission_id = c.submission_id; 

#update is_retained

update _temp_all_voucher a, voucher_reimbursement_details b 

set a.is_retained = b.is_retained

where a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id and a.submission_id = b.submission_id;

#update campaign id and campaign code

update _temp_all_voucher a, voucher_campaign_issue b, voucher_campaign c, voucher_action d

set a.campaign_id = c.campaign_id, a.campaign_code = c.campaign_code, a.issue_time = d.action_time, a.issue_user_id = d.user_id

where a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id and b.campaign_id = c.campaign_id  and b.voucher_id = d.voucher_id and d.action_id = 30

and b.is_deleted = 'N' and = d.related_id;

#update issue user

update _temp_all_voucher a, evo_central_config.customer_user b

set a.issue_by = b.user_name

where a.issue_user_id = b.user_id;

#update release action

update voucher_action a, voucher_reimbursement_details b, _temp_all_voucher c

set c.released_time = a.action_time, c.release_user_id = a.user_id

where a.action_id = 80 and a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id

and a.related_id = b.detail_id 

and b.is_deleted = 'N' 

and a.voucher_id = c.voucher_id;

#update release user

update _temp_all_voucher a, evo_central_config.customer_user b

set a.released_by = b.user_name

where a.release_user_id= b.user_id;

#update retain action

update voucher_action a, voucher_reimbursement_details b, _temp_all_voucher c

set c.retained_time = a.action_time, c.retained_user_id = a.user_id, c.retained_remarks = a.remarks

where a.action_id = 70 and a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id

and a.related_id = b.detail_id 

and b.is_deleted = 'N' 

and a.voucher_id = c.voucher_id;

#update retain user

update _temp_all_voucher a, evo_central_config.customer_user b

set a.retained_by = b.user_name

where a.retained_user_id = b.user_id;

#update submit user

update _temp_all_voucher a, evo_central_config.customer_user b

set a.submission_by = b.user_name

where a.submission_user_id = b.user_id;

#update reimburse user

update _temp_all_voucher a, evo_central_config.customer_user b

set a.reimburse_by = b.user_name

where a.reimburse_user_id = b.user_id;

#update store info

update _temp_all_voucher a, voucher_reimbursement b, store c

set a.storeId = c.storeId, a.organization = c.organization, a.storeName = c.storeName, a.unit = c.unit

where a.submission_id = b.submission_id and b.lease_out_id = c.storeId;

#update void action and user

update _temp_all_voucher a, voucher_action b 

set a.void_time = b.action_time, a.void_user_id = b.user_id

where b.action_id = 140 and a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id and a.status_id = 50;

#update void user

update _temp_all_voucher a, evo_central_config.customer_user b

set a.void_by = b.user_name

where a.void_user_id = b.user_id;

#drop TEMPORARY TABLE `_temp_all_voucher` 

#drop TEMPORARY TABLE `_temp_err_voucher` 


        voucher_no as 'Voucher no', 

        voucher_value as 'Voucher Value', 

        IFNULL(type_desc, '') as 'Voucher Type', 

        IFNULL(status_desc, '') as 'Voucher Status', 

        IFNULL(expiry_date, '') as 'Expiry Date', 

        IFNULL(submission_id, '') as 'Submission ID', 

        IFNULL(submission_time, '') as 'Submission Date',

        IFNULL(is_retained, '') as 'Retained Y/N',

        IFNULL(campaign_code, '') as 'Campaign Code or Name', 

        IFNULL(issue_time, '') as 'Issued Date', 

        IFNULL(issue_by, '') as 'Issue By',

        IFNULL(reimburse_time, '') as 'Reimburse Date', 

        IFNULL(reimburse_by, '') as 'Reimburse By', 

        IFNULL(retained_time, '') as 'Retained Time', 

        IFNULL(retained_by, '') as 'Retained By',

        IFNULL(released_time, '') as 'Release Time',

        IFNULL(released_by, '') as 'Release By',

        IFNULL(storeId, '') as 'Store ID',

        IFNULL(organization, '') as 'Organization',

        IFNULL(storeName, '') as 'Store Name',

        IFNULL(unit, '') as 'Unit',

        IFNULL(void_time, '') as 'Void Time',

        IFNULL(void_by, '') as 'Void By'

        from _temp_all_voucher

        order by 1 asc;