#status check ####################################### select count(*), sum(voucher_value), b.status_desc from nex_evox_live.voucher a, nex_evox_live.voucher_lkup_status b where a.is_evoucher = 'Y' and a.status_id = b.status_id group by a.status_id; #11979410Floating #664952245Reimbursed select count(*), sum(voucher_value), b.status_desc from nex_vms_live.voucher a, nex_vms_live.voucher_lkup_status b where a.is_evoucher = 'Y' and a.status_id = b.status_id group by a.status_id; #11979410Issued #573645765Reimbursed #913 6480Tenant Submitted #Stock check ####################################### select count(*), sum(voucher_value), b.stock_desc from nex_evox_live.voucher a, nex_evox_live.voucher_lkup_stock b where a.is_evoucher = 'Y' and a.stock_id = b.stock_id group by a.stock_id; #11979410Floating #664952245Reimbursed select count(*), sum(voucher_value), b.stock_desc from nex_vms_live.voucher a, nex_vms_live.voucher_lkup_stock b where a.is_evoucher = 'Y' and a.stock_id = b.stock_id group by a.stock_id; #11979410Issued #573645765Reimbursed #913 6480Tenant Submitted #action check ####################################### select count(*), sum(voucher_value), b.action_id, c.action_desc from nex_evox_live.voucher a, nex_evox_live.voucher_action b, nex_evox_live.voucher_lkup_action c where a.is_evoucher = 'Y' and a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id and b.action_id = c.action_id group by b.action_id; #7846616551 Order #78466165520 Stock In #78466165570 Release #78466165580 Allocation #784661655150Direct Issue #664952245180Reimburse select count(*), sum(voucher_value), b.action_id, c.action_desc from nex_vms_live.voucher a, nex_vms_live.voucher_action b, nex_vms_live.voucher_lkup_action c where a.is_evoucher = 'Y' and a.voucher_id = b.voucher_id and b.action_id = c.action_id group by b.action_id; #7846616551 Create #78466165530 Direct Issue #66495224560 Tenant Submit #57364576561 Reimburse #374731810130Extend #campaign check ####################################### select campaign_id, campaign_code, campaign_desc from nex_evox_live.voucher_campaign where is_evoucher_campaign = 'Y' #99Reward E-Voucher RedemptionReward E-Voucher Redemption #100PJ MASKS SAVE CHRISTMAS @ NEXRECEIVE $10 ENEXVOUCHER WHEN YOU CHARGE $250 TO YOUR CITI CREDIT CARD AT PARTICIPATING STORES #101PROSPEROUS ABUNDANCE @ NEX 2020RECEIVE $10 ENEXVOUCHER WHEN YOU CHARGE $250 TO YOUR CITI CREDIT CARD AT PARTICIPATING STORES select campaign_id, campaign_code, campaign_desc from nex_vms_live.voucher_campaign where is_evoucher_campaign = 'Y' #5 Reward E-Voucher RedemptionReward E-Voucher Redemption #32PJ MASKS SAVE CHRISTMAS @ NEXRECEIVE $10 ENEXVOUCHER WHEN YOU CHARGE $250 TO YOUR CITI CREDIT CARD AT PARTICIPATING STORES #34PROSPEROUS ABUNDANCE @ NEX 2020RECEIVE $10 ENEXVOUCHER WHEN YOU CHARGE $250 TO YOUR CITI CREDIT CARD AT PARTICIPATING STORES #issue record check ####################################### select count(*) as cnt, sum(c.voucher_value) as total_value ,b.campaign_code from nex_evox_live.voucher_campaign_issue a, nex_evox_live.voucher_campaign b, nex_evox_live.voucher c ,nex_evox_live.voucher_action d where b.is_evoucher_campaign = 'Y' and a.campaign_id = b.campaign_id and a.voucher_id = c.voucher_id and a.is_deleted = 'N' and a.id = d.related_id and d.action_id = 150 group by a.campaign_id #623345525Reward E-Voucher Redemption #8298290PJ MASKS SAVE CHRISTMAS @ NEX #7847840PROSPEROUS ABUNDANCE @ NEX 2020 select count(*) as cnt, sum(c.voucher_value) as total_value ,b.campaign_code from nex_vms_live.voucher_campaign_issue a, nex_vms_live.voucher_campaign b, nex_vms_live.voucher c, nex_vms_live.voucher_action d where b.is_evoucher_campaign = 'Y' and a.campaign_id = b.campaign_id and a.voucher_id = c.voucher_id and a.is_deleted = 'N' and a.id = d.related_id and d.action_id = 30 group by a.campaign_id #623345525Reward E-Voucher Redemption #8298290PJ MASKS SAVE CHRISTMAS @ NEX #7847840PROSPEROUS ABUNDANCE @ NEX 2020 #request table issue check ####################################### select sum(b.total_value) as total_value from nex_evox_live.voucher_request_approve a, nex_evox_live.voucher_batch_no_section b where a.batch_id = b.batch_id and a.request_action = 150 and from_stock=120 #6568890 select sum(b.total_value) as total_value from nex_vms_live.voucher_request_approve a, voucher_batch_no_section b where a.batch_id = b.batch_id and a.request_action = 30 #9175975 select count(*) from nex_evox_live.voucher_request_approve where request_action = 150 and from_stock=120 #7846 select count(*) from nex_vms_live.voucher_request_approve where request_action = 30 #7846 #use voucher issue table check issue ####################################### select sum(c.total_value) as total_value from nex_evox_live.voucher_campaign a, nex_evox_live.voucher_issue b,nex_evox_live.voucher_batch_no_section c where a.is_evoucher_campaign = 'Y' and a.campaign_id = b.campaign_id and b.batch_id = c.batch_id #61655 #use reimbursement & reimbursement details check reimbruse ####################################### select count(*), sum(c.voucher_value) from nex_evox_live.voucher_reimbursement a, nex_evox_live.voucher_reimbursement_details b, nex_evox_live.voucher c where a.is_evoucher='Y' and a.submission_id = b.submission_id and b.is_deleted = 'N ' and b.is_retained = 'N' and b.voucher_id = c.voucher_id #664952245 select count(*), sum(c.voucher_value) from nex_vms_live.voucher_reimbursement a, nex_vms_live.voucher_reimbursement_details b, nex_vms_live.voucher c where a.submission_id = b.submission_id and b.is_deleted = 'N ' and b.is_retained = 'N' and b.voucher_id = c.voucher_id #664952245