jem evoucher submit 每月执行2次

1. 1号0点做16日0:00:00~月尾23:59:59

2. 16号0点做1号0:00:00~15号23:59:59




(3:48:20 PM) Jason: 11-Dec and the next will be 26-Dec

(3:48:29 PM) Jason: instead of 1-Dec and 16-Dec

26 做 11号00:00:00 ~ 25号 23:59:59

11 做 26号00:00:00 ~ 10号 23:59:59


select a.serial_no as VoucherNo, d.storeId, d.storeName
from `member_rewards_evoucher` a, new_purchase b, new_purchase_detail c, store d
where a.`purchase_id` is not null
and a.purchase_id = b.purchase_id
and b.purchase_id = c.purchase_id
and c.store_id = d.storeId
and b.purchase_time between '2014-01-26 00:00:00' and '2014-02-10 23:59:59'
order by storeId asc

select * from voucher_store_submission order by submission_id desc limit 3
#select * from voucher_purchase_requisition where requisition_id = 985

E05000028,E05000029 179292  1338

E05000031    179353  1339

E10000002    179399  1340

INSERT INTO `voucher_store_submission` (`submission_id`, `submission_time`, `store_id`, `user_id`, `requisition_id`, `comment`, `export_cti`, `export_time`, `is_evoucher`)
('', '2014-02-11 00:00:00', 179292, 1, '', '\'E05000028\',\'E05000029\'', 'N', NULL, 'Y'),
('', '2014-02-11 00:00:00', 179353, 1, '', '\'E05000031\'', 'N', NULL, 'Y'),
('', '2014-02-11 00:00:00', 179399, 1, '', '\'E10000002\'', 'N', NULL, 'Y')

select * from voucher where prefix = 'E05' and voucher_no in (28,29,31)

update voucher set submission_time = '2014-02-11 00:00:00', status_id = 7, submission_id = '1338' where prefix = 'E05' and voucher_no in (28,29)
update voucher set submission_time = '2014-02-11 00:00:00', status_id = 7, submission_id = '1339' where prefix = 'E05' and voucher_no in (31)
update voucher set submission_time = '2014-02-11 00:00:00', status_id = 7, submission_id = '1340' where prefix = 'E10' and voucher_no in (2)

select * from voucher_lkup_status
select * from voucher_lkup_action 

select * from voucher_action where action_id = 8 limit 1

INSERT INTO `voucher_action` (`id`, `voucher_id`, `action_id`, `action_time`, `user_id`, `comment`, `ct_user`)
VALUES('', 78458, 8, '2014-02-11 00:00:00', 1, '', NULL),
('', 78459, 8, '2014-02-11 00:00:00', 1, '', NULL),
('', 78461, 8, '2014-02-11 00:00:00', 1, '', NULL),
('', 88432, 8, '2014-02-11 00:00:00', 1, '', NULL)